Orgon Waterfalls

Difficulty : Not very hard
Best time to do it : From Mars until November
Minimum age : 8
Duration : About 4 hours canyoning
Approach walk : 40 minutes
Walk back : 20 minutes
Inevitable jumps : None
Gear to bring with you : Trainers, swimsuit, water bottle.
Price per person : 55¤ - 50¤ for groups (5 persons +)

  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon
  • canyoning-cévennes-cascades-orgon

Abseils, jumps and the best water slide of Cévennes!

Not far from Le Vigan, on Mount Aigoual slopes, a typical walk up under chestnut threes brings us to a wild and varied canyon.

Far away from crowds, having fun abseiling the waterfalls and doing some nice jumps and the most fantastic water slide around here!

This is one of the longest canyon here, its full descent is possible for experienced groups (on demand)
But this second part is more fun and less technical.

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